„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Monday 9 October 2023

Flashcards for intermediate and intermediate level

Hello! Today I would like to share with you my progress and tips how I learn language. Flascards are important topic for today and I spend untimely my daily routine to study English. Of course is not perfect yet but I can write without dictionary. An October I decided to start learn only monolingual dictionary like Longman od Cambridge. The both are monolingual and any others language and I've online version. 

Below, you can see my flashcards with I have bought a couple years ago. And any rate I wasn't learning  of it and still I'm trying study and keep my motivation to learn the vocabulary on this box. When I bought it my English was more weaker than now. And if I can write something here about this IDIOM's books - I can tell you only one - the version with I have B2-C1 has the polish transcription! I can't understand why? I'm struglle to progres B2 of my study and really I don't understand why the sentences aren't only target language. 

I bough it and the first what I may to do was install the publishing Edgard's program on PC and choose only English vocabulary and sentences and repeat it! I decide to set in on the categories and I put in the small labels on English too. it's take a time, but I think it will wort of it! 

Then I selected and arrange my flashcards in the box. The lot take me only 30 minutes. And I just mentioned I'm embarking to learn.

The little bird told me that if you want to smart and faster learning you need to crate own method with resonate with you. My method is simple - I'm trying to recall a vocabulary without emotions and my experiences. Not the empty sentences on your book, exercises... I have been learning on contest and it's a huge solutions to people who don't have time - because are parents. 

Generally it's hart to pinpoint what kind of method will be perfect. I still learn my heart and today I feel that I cant more writing not listening. Many gears are useful if you use it wisely. 

I think the recording of myself give me wonderful background to more fluently writing in this language. Still I' m looking a person who want to speak with me on English and Spanish. 

Here I can't sent here my podcast - I don't know why and maybe when I will feel better I start a short wideo on this topic again.

Have a great week for us and huge study.

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