„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Saturday 30 September 2023

SUMMARY September 2023

Hello! Today I would you like to summary my daily habit what I have done through all September and how many hours I spend to improve my language skills. Of course it will not possible if I don't download a great pomoro app on my phone like a Brain Focus.

This app help me organize better than writing down my notes and I finally haven't spend a lot of time to cout of it and etc. So looked here as bellow: 

I used this app for 3th September 2023 and I want to glad so much. I don't now what happens but recently I've listened more than before and really I loved it. I started listening more os Spanish too. So I just mentioned this app was so effortless and I'm glad that does it excist in my life. 


Every single day I woke up at 5 o'clock and start learning at my kitchen. Doesn't mater if I was ill or sad, no good-being - the study is for me priority so much and doing everything what I can to improve my language skills. I'm became a mom and having a  baby. This situations change me completely and I 'm personaly completely different person as I was. Study with illness child is kind of huge challenge and never hard working doesn't describe it obviously. These examples are thousands and more. 

But I can do it and still don't give up and I'm trying to keep on my motivation to the night level. This month was incredible and I learn so much.  

And the end of the month I started watching a TV series on Disney chanel. There are a lot of serials for adult person and if you want to couriers about learning with this method I really recommend it. The first id you know is what serial is the best for mom who has a baby who running all the time by TV. And If you know not all serials will be right to watch. I find something for me - this is a story about adult woman who started job as writing obituaries by company and she start see a ghost. it's a kinda comedy, but really I can't tear myself away from the series.

This post I've written down a day before, because I've never finished it when I have the other way round  done.

The last of the month I start planing a new study month and new task to do. It's very simple and actually I don't waste time to organize of myself day by day. 

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