„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Monday, 13 June 2016

200 DAYS /365 days to B2

I'm very tired today. When we are working, we haven't time to another things. Precisely many things are important on our life. Undoubtedly I'm not talented but I'm hard-working of my achievement. My simple project of 365 day to B2 is not easy. However I'm trying to figure it out how to it will be better. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, because my concentration is very low and I don't have more and more power to finish of them? I don't know. Of course, I'm writing more and more in English, and I'm focusing of listening and speaking, but sometimes it's not happy to me. The book which I have bought for April 2016 is heavy, however they don't seems like it. Maybe I need to have more motivation? Eh. Today I will be reading a  new menu of my wedding party on August. It's 20:47. Pass. I'm afraid that I can do it. I'm going to  take to the shower!

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