„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.


When I started learning study I recommended one of platform which I found and it was a Wattpad. But several years have passed since then and I think that on the internet it's a more great method to improve your language skills and motivation. 

Today I decide that I want to reactivate some text here and there is the one reasons of is reading books. Yes - when you reading books or any language short and not long texts you improve your language skills faster. 

Even skills as reading, speaking, writing and listening is so important when you want to learn smart not hard. And I have understand it since 2022 when I made cleaned on my phone and I found a fary tale who my daughter told me on our mother language. And something was change on my mind. 

The first is what and why want to read something? 
What did you do to improve your language skills yesterday? 

Before you start reading you need to learn how to asking people how to learn property. It's so important and you need to understand at first. 

Actually I have done my reading plan and learning because if you don't speaking fluently you have hard start to change your future and life. And the most important think is start smart not hard. 

My books which I buy on Spanish
A2-B1 level (2025):

1. Mil noches a tu lado
2. Sol de Castro
3. Los colores de lo invsible

My books which I buy on Spanish A1-A2 level (2023):

1. Un día en Málaga / Rodriguez Ernesto
2. Cambia la Vida / tłum. Agnieszka Wiśniewska

My books which I readed on English (2023):

1. A dead in Viena / Daniel Silva
2. Digital forcess / Dan Brown
3. The forgotten garden / Kate Morisson
4. The tea planter's wife / Jeferies Dinah (B2)
5. Incredible forces / Danielle Steel (B1/B2)

My books which I readed on English (2022):

1. Notebook / Nicholas Sparks
2. Message in the bottle / Nicholas Sparks
3. A walk to remember / Nicholas Sparks
4. How to speak any language / Alex Rawlines (GREAT BOOK)
5. A whyte Christmas / Michaele Bronter
6. Mysteries / Graham Wilson
7. Rules of life - not ended
8. The name of rose - not ended
9. Believe me / JP delay
10. Love on the rocks / Veronica Henry
11. The last songs / Nicholas Sparks
12. Catching the tide / Judith Lennox
13. Big little lies / Line Morality
14. Fine things / Danielle Steel
15. The tea plantator wife / not start
16. The girl on the picture / not start

I love reading books! 

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