„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

206 DAYS/365 to B2

Today is another weekend and new challenge of my project. I need to find a new motivation of my learning. Since when I have been working, I don't enough time to my blog, project and study. If I would like to achievement of succed, I need to learn more. Of cource I'm trying to figure it out how to learn better, but my schedule is not exacly what I will. Maybe you have some motivates tricks to study better? I need to help how to don't keep to my motivate and how better to arrange my days. 

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