„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

My opionion on the Memrise

I would like to make an observation on Memrise today. I have been started to study since Oktober 2015 and I finished there three courses. It's realy good method for your learning, but you have a search your courses alone. One of them have to listenning. Many people who learning English can write there own courses and they forgot add format MP3 or your record (voise). Therefore I decided that I need to buy own courses on PC. 
Memrise is a very great platform to study English, but I think that it's not for me. You have save your achieve and daily goal and you have own achievemet. The program counts your score and point - it's very good, because you have more and more study and the point was supposed that you want to study more. I found only three courses of listenning for B1-B2 and I think that it's to small. Unforunatelly, I have to say that the better opinion has SuperMemo for me. 

Word and many phrases on design and work I have on magazines like English Matters or English Business. Of course the words are very difficult there, but we should study a difficult words for our future and some day the difficult words don't too hard for us. 

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