„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

12/365 DAYS to B2

Maybe about future plans? or more about me and my blog

What do you want to do? Are you thinking about this? If you know, I really like planning. Everyday I will try to thinking about my future plans. In English your future plans can you express to many diffrents way. But know I really like some phrases in will+be+ing or I would like to, because it is close by my heart.

My adventure of blogging has started since (October) 2010. Then I ran my blog niteczkowyczar. Then I didn't think about running blog and I made a lot of misktake. As with running a FB, but it is another story. My blog developed until they depart. Tocreate crafts, you need to make money.You have to buy materials to create things.The sad thing is that I can not continue her passion for pursuing further. I have created another blog since  February 2015. It seems to me that jezykowepoczatki. On Juli 2015 started another blog naturnaturelka. If you know, I'm intresting a Cosmetology and I started study this year. I treat my blogs as virtual logs of my passion.

When I created the first blog I have had a little experience in this field. If I want to change a platform - I will started for begin. My future plans are related of them. I would like to have more following and people which are possitive and focused on positive changes in their live. I would like to infect humans with hispositive energy despite the lack of financial resources. When will you start something new, many people will be talking to you for example: why do you do this? and then envy you a really good motivation (I have so). Once some people talking that real friends meets in poverty. But now, in my opinion the phrases was change: real friends he meets after the success.

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