„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Monday, 22 May 2023


Hello! Only four components give us a powerful tools to start learning language. Only four! I think that is the most crucial tools to begin every language journal. One of them is more popular than others. For example by me the best componets from those is reading. I've always been reading and I loving it al the time. 

It's just simple way to see - you need to answer for a simple questions about your childhood. What do you like when you were young? Maybe you are listening or speaking all the time? Since I can remember I always reading tons of books. The teacher buy me a new, because the school library was poor and I have nothing to read on the short time. Obviously I gave this book all a gift to best notes the end of the year. It was a magic time for me. By the way - I read each new book very quickly and I read it on the same way. It's amazing, because even English language level A2/B1 I read the same way. 

That is wonderful key of study language and the great secret poliglots. You need to find it on your heart and follow by them. 

And the rest will come. I'm curently discovery a magic door to language community. I love it and understand. And it doesn't matter that I'm adult person and I understand it only now. 

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