„One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two Languages open every door along the way.”

„Znajomość jednego języka stawia cię w korytarzu życia. Znając dwa języki możesz otworzyć wszystkie drzwi na swojej drodze”.

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Hello yoga people!

Today I would share with you my joga discovery a couple moths ago. I started practicing yoga and my language skills is growing faster, because my body have more calm and relax. Obviously if you read my blog and for time to time reading polyglots blog you now how important progres can we do when starting practicing yoga. 

It simple but this time I decided to a buy a joga card, because when I doing my exercises my phone was not connected the Internet and this wasn't comfortable for me. The second way when I decided to buy a small cards was to switching between asanas too quickly. And my unstretched body was tell me - stop - you need slower than the joga instructor showing. 

I don't regret this decision because this cards are wonderful and beautiful. I want to have only poses, but not graphic  versions.

I made own sequence of asan and I need to start exercises until the end of June. The crystal is my I use it to my joga practice all the time. 

I recommended this card so much because are lovely, small and they have a positive energy. This card's not resonate on people who don't know how do it asana and they've never read any books of yoga, because they didn't description step by step. On the front card we see only simple short sentences to practice but if you have another guide book of yoga the description is doesn't mater for us.

I buy this card on the internet.  And is not the sponsoring post. I recommended this product because is amazing. 

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