Hello! This blog was a first which I assumed when I have decided that I will learn English. If you know I made a lot of mistakes and ups and downs. Finally I have learned since 2017 when I became a mother. And I don't have enough time to study and I was fascinating another platform (there were so popular) Wordpress. There I add a free domain and I written here some time to time. I want to be as more of fluently people who was popular and knows ... but now I'm thinking some differently ways. My learning methods was change because I change my mind. I decided that I have deleted my jezykowepoczatki on worpress since October 2022 and today I decided that my language journal finished here.
My language journal is hard and still I have been learning of myself. I don't have enough money to a private teacher and still my personal life is not perfect. But is not the point. I think that I want to too much and I 'm trying to be as people who I have never knows. I saw only one fragment of their environment and I really believe that is so simple when you are a fluenser person.
My life has change completely when I become a mother as you know and my believes or values too. I don't regret what I went through. It was hard but now I think I 'm different person as before. My English Still is far from perfect and I come back to study relatively recently. I have written a date and it was a pandemic's time and my husband told me that I must study again. It was the 5 of April 2020 and I get my hand some books with I bought before and start from scratch.
But is not utterly from scratch as you knows - I decided that I need to ask people who speaking perfectly in English how did learn... and it was a crucial moment in my journal study. I started asking a polyglot on you tube chanel how did they learn and what was their language journal... At first it isn't easy and I told of myself that I can't brake down my study to another five years... Yes, my study break was over 5 years. Yes, I know it was waste in time completely but I don't assheme of it. It's normal if you want to learn and you know if you learn property. The first I want to assume a new blog because I completely forgotten password and email on my blog! But today I remembered and I think that will be better then I started my language again.
I'm currently looking for a person to conversation on English and I decided that I will start a new language journal. I choose Spanish. I learn on Busuu app and I think that is one of the best app to study language. And of course I need to clean this blog as it possible because my method was changed and some entries doesn't actual yet.
If everything goes smoothly I would be speak better as now on 2023. If you know I decided that I will be finished my language journal only here and I gave up wordpress completely.
Of course I don't want to continue my handmade blog and I closed it definitely. It is not my cup of tea.
See you tomorrow...
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